Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. Political Science 2001
The Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research

M.A. Political Science 1995
The Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research

B.A. Women’s Studies and Social Theory 1991
University of California, Santa Cruz

Public Reports

I served as Chair of the John Evans Study Committee, which in November, 2014, released its report on the role of John Evans in the Sand Creek Massacre.


Ambivalent Miracles: Evangelicals and the Politics of Racial Healing
Ambivalent Miracles traces the rise and ongoing evolution of evangelical racial change efforts within the historical, political, and cultural contexts that have shaped them. More.

Faith and Race in American Political Life co-edited with Robin D. Jacobson
Drawing on scholarship from an array of disciplines, this volume provides a deep and timely look at the intertwining of race and religion in American politics. More.

Refereed Articles

Invented Religion, Sacred Disestablishment, and the Awakened Polis: The Case of Slovenia’s “Zombie Church.” Politics & Religion, October, 2020.

Awakening the Civic Dead: Political Mobilization of the Zombie in Real Time,” The Popular Culture Studies Journal, Special Issue on Monsters and Monstrosity, Ed. Bernadette Calafell, Vol 6 (2-3), 2018.

“Awakening the ‘Walking Dead’: Zombie Pedagogy for Millennials.”Radical Teacher 107 (Winter), pp. 4-13.

“Are We The Walking Dead? Zombie Apocalypse as Liberatory Art.” New Political Science 38 (4), pp. 561-581. Special Issue on Herbert Marcuse.

“Unsettling Lessons: Teaching Indigenous Politics and Settler Colonialism in Political Science,”PS: Political Science & Politics, July, pp. 692-7.

Intersectionality in California’s Same-Sex Marriage Battles: A Complex Proposition,” Political Research Quarterly 64 (1), pp. 200-216. Mini-Symposium on Intersectionality.

Bridging Racial Change: Political Orientations in the Multiracial Church Building Movement,” Politics & Religion 3 (3), pp. 439-468.

“Race-ing Faith and Fate: The Jeremiad in Multiracial ‘Moral Values’ Alliances,” Race/Ethnicity: Multidisciplinary Global Perspectives, Volume 1, Issue 2, Kirwan Institute, Ohio State University, pp. 313-341.

Reconciliation Politics: Conservative Evangelicals and the New Race Discourse,” Politics & Society, Volume 25, Number 3, pp 341-376.

Book Chapters & Invited Essays

Trans-Universal Zombie Church of the Blissful Ringing,” with Aleš Črnič, in World Religions and Spirituality Project, June 2020.

When the Religious Other Seems Abhorrent: Thoughts on the Power of Scholars to Represent the ‘Repugnant Cultural Other’” (Review of Alan Rodgers The Child Cases: How America’s Religious Exemption Laws Harm Children.) Tulsa Law Review, 52 (3), Spring 2017, pp. 633-41.

Featured review: “On Robert P. Jones’s The End of White Christian America,” Politics & Religion, 10 (2017), pp. 461-65.

“Of Milestones and Millstones: Intersections of Race and Religion in the 2012 Election,” in Luis Leon and Gary Laderman, Eds., Religion and American Cultures Encyclopedia, ABC-CIO Press, 2014.

“Religious Race-Bridging: Racial Change Efforts Among Conservative Evangelicals,” in Robin Jacobson and Nancy Wadsworth, Eds., Faith and Race in American Political Life, University of Virginia Press, 2012.

“Fractured Believers: Race and Religion as Intersectional Aspects of United States Political Development” in Race and U.S. Political Development, Joseph Lowndes (University of Oregon), Julie Novkov (SUNY Albany), and Dorian Warren (Columbia University), Editors. Routledge Press, 2008.


  • Power & Justice: Intro to Political Theory
  • Religion in American Politics
  • American Political Thought
  • Populism(s) in American Culture
  • Contemporary Political Theory
  • Settler Colonialism & Indigenous People’s Politics
  • Forgiveness in Personal and Political Contexts
  • Social Movements in the Age of Fast Media

See course syllabi